How the latest materials are taking biosensors to the next level

This article delves into advancements in wearable biosensors and materials designed to revolutionize medical diagnostics and patient monitoring. Highlighted innovations include soft, stretchable sensors, such as one developed for newborns with delicate skin, using hydrogel adhesives and Bluetooth-enabled flexible circuits. Researchers are exploring materials like 2D atomic layers, organic electrochemical transistors (OECTs), and bottlebrush elastomers for enhanced biocompatibility and sensitivity. These materials enable biosensors to detect various biomarkers in fluids like sweat and saliva, monitor strain, and integrate directly with biological systems. Applications range from tracking neurotransmitter levels for neurological disorders to creating wearable garments for health monitoring. Challenges include improving power sources, ensuring material safety, and combining multiple readings for comprehensive health data. The growing market for health sensors, driven by AI and material innovations, holds transformative potential for continuous, real-time health monitoring outside clinical settings.

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