Machine learning enabled fast optical identification and characterization of 2D materials

This article focuses on applying machine learning to efficiently identify and characterize the thickness of two-dimensional (2D) materials using optical microscopy images. Traditional methods, like atomic force microscopy and spectroscopy, are precise but expensive and time-consuming. To address this, the study evaluates the performance of SegNet, 2D U-Net, and 1D U-Net machine learning models for identifying monolayers in optical images. The research incorporates preprocessing techniques, such as grayscale and Lab* color space transformations, and data augmentation to improve accuracy. Among the models, 2D U-Net demonstrates the best performance, especially when using normalized image preprocessing and transfer learning with pre-labeled datasets. This approach highlights the potential for machine learning to provide a fast, cost-effective solution for 2D material characterization, promoting broader use of these materials in electronics and quantum technologies.

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